About your leasing contract

A deeper look into the specifics of the leasing contract

Contracts for leases found on gowago.ch are provided by Migros Bank, where gowago.ch is the bank's representative for all questions, communications and contacts.

The leasing contract

In the leasing contract, all the details of the leasing agreement can be found. It includes the Residual Value, which is the value of the car at the end of the leasing term. The Mileage allowance, which determines the amount of kilometres the car can be driven during the leasing term, is also mentioned in the contract.

Duration and mileage

Part of the leasing contract is the duration and mileage. This determines the amount of kilometres that are included in the contract and the duration of it. If the car is driven more kilometres than the stipulated in the contract there will be an additional fee per kilometre. This additional fee can be found in the contract, or contact All-in-one customer service, and we will provide this information.

Payment terms

Monthly instalments for the lease must be paid in advance, no later than the first day of each month. The monthly lease instalments have to be paid even if the vehicle cannot be used or can only be used to a limited extent. If a payment is missed, the instalment is still owed to the leasing bank (Migros Bank) with the corresponding interest rate. In addition, an additional reminder fee of CHF 10.00 will be charged for a 1st reminder and CHF 20.00 for the 2nd and each subsequent reminder.

Use and maintenance of the vehicle

As the lease-holder, you will be responsible to use the vehicle carefully, properly and in accordance with the manufacturer's or supplier's instructions. You are also responsible for maintaining, servicing and, if necessary, repairs.

If an All-in-one package is included with the lease, all costs will be covered by the All-in-one contract. Modifications to the vehicle may only be made with the prior express written consent. If you are unsure about a change, please get in touch with our All-in-one customer service.

Damages to the vehicle

If any damage is made to the vehicle, you must use your insurance (included with an All-in-one package) to get it repaired as soon as possible. If the repair amount is over CHF 1000 you have to notify us via email - all-in-one@gowago.ch

Early cancellation

If you want to cancel your contract before the contractual date, you will have to settle your agreement as described in your contract in the section: “Settlement for early termination”. The car must be returned in good condition. Any necessary repairs and maintenance work that is not attributable to normal wear and tear will be charged to you. Excessive mileage can also be charged at the agreed rate per extra kilometre.

More about leasing

Leasing general terms and conditions